Click here to download Proceedings of the ERMSAR 2024 Conference
The 11th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research Conference (ERMSAR 2024) will be organized by KTH Stockholm in the framework of the SEAKNOT EU project and SNETP/NUGENIA Technical Area 2.
The ERMSAR, as the only nuclear conference worldwide fully focused on Severe Accidents, is an open and field-specific conference with focus on the latest progress of international knowledge on severe accidents in nuclear power plants. As in the last edition, the scope of the conference includes also innovative nuclear technologies, such as Accident Tolerant Fuels (ATFs), Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), fusion, etc.
From the already long tradition of Technical Area 2 of SNETP/NUGENIA (previously SARNET), the SEAKNOT project has taken over the ERMSAR 2024 organization as one of the most efficient ways at hand to foster education and deep and practical exchanges in the area of severe accidents.
ERMSAR 2024 will pay particular attention to technical discussions and will ensure enough time and the best atmosphere to turn the event in a true opportunity for students, researchers and engineers’ exchanges. The technical exchange is given upmost relevance, both in the form of Q&A time slots at the end of each talk, at the end of each session, and in all the general sessions planned.
The Conference will display the major progress recently accomplished in the field and will look ahead to highlight what can be in the near-term research agenda.
Journal Special Issues
After the first special issue published in 2010 on the “Progress in Nuclear Energy” journal, with selected papers of ERMSAR 2008, for the last four editions, the conference editorial committees have selected the most relevant papers for their publication on a special issue of the “Annals of Nuclear Energy” journal by Elsevier. A special issue will be also proposed for this ERMSAR 2024 edition.
Proceedings of the Conference
The proceedings of the conference will be published on Zenado online open repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program.

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